Our Programs
Bantu Cultural Re-Education
At Nubia The Path To Return on Patreon, we are offering cultural re-education classes to those of our children in the diaspora, desiring to learn the fundaments of the Bantu culture, and the Bantu ancestral way of life to embrace it as a lifestyle. To join, Click here

Cultural Events Consulting.
Elders at Nubia the Path To Return will assist you in preparing and organizing your key events such as your marriage proposal rite, your traditional wedding, and the naming of your children ceremony. For more information, please contact us. Click here

Bantu Life coaching.
Elders at Nubia The Path To Return will assist you in navigating through your toughest life crisis by providing you with guidance, from our ancestral knowledge and wisdom. Families, which are the glue of our community, will no longer fall apart easily once we come to full knowledge of our culture and its fundaments. For more information, please contact us. Click here

Bantu Love Connecting.
Our people say: “One of the best ways to rebuild a broken House is through marriages.” At Nubia The Path To Return, our team of skilled matchmakers will assist in matching you up with your lost soulmate, soul brother or soul sister wherever they are on the continent of Afrika, or in the Afrikan diaspora. For more information, please contact us. Click here

Family Adoptions and Repatriation.
At Nubia the Path To Return, our vision is to reconnect as many diasporan families, to continental Afrikan families. For that reason, we offer Family adoption services, allowing families on the continent, to adopt a family in the diaspora and root it in our culture and land of Afrika. Families in the diaspora, desiring to return Home, to a family and integrate their tribe, rather than having an expat experience on the continent, will appreciate this program. To either adopt a family or seek for an adopting family, Click here